1. Does my child have to wear a mask?
– Kids and parents must arrive in masks, but once the camper is check-in and on beach they are not required as long as social distance is maintained. They also must wear a mask in the bathroom.
2. Will instructors wear a mask?
– Instructor’s will wear masks anytime they are closely interacting with campers on land.
3. Why is no one in the water wearing a mask?
– According to NYS law, we must “ensure face coverings are not worn while in the water” for safety reasons.
4. How will you help kids in danger from 6 feet away if you have to maintain 6 feet distance?
– We will continue to assist anyone we feel might be in danger without hesitation. 6 feet of distance is only required unless the safety of the activity requires us to be closer according to NYS.
5. Can my child be in a group with friends?
– Yes, at check-in you can make special requests: Surfers are in groups of 20 and smaller squads with 1:5 instructor to surfer ratios fully in compliance with NYS and spaced according to CDC guidance.
6. Is my child safe?
– Yes! The ocean is a natural disinfectant and UV light reduces the lifespam of COVID-19. We have taken every possible precaution to provide the safest environment possible for all staff and surfers this summer.
7. Will you have rashgaurds tops at camp?
COVID-19 Operating Procedures
For the safety of all staff and surfers and to meet our new public health obligation, Surf2Live has implemented the following changes to our procedures and workspace:
• All CDC, NYSDOH, Nassau County, and Long Beach guidelines will be adhered to.
• Staff and surfers will have their temperature checked and receive a questionnaire screening at the beginning of each day.
• All rental equipment will be fully decontaminated after each use.
• Instructor to surfer ratio will initially be no larger than 1:5 or less depending on skill level.
• Social distancing guidelines will be adhered to at all times.
• Face coverings will be worn when six feet of distance cannot be maintained and whenever staff or surfers are going to the bathroom or indoor area.
• All high contact surfaces will be decontaminated hourly using EPA certified cleaning products.
• Special individual lessons with increased precautions will be offered to more vulnerable individuals.
• Daily reevaluation of all procedures and protocols.
• Social distance will always be maintained while in the water for surfing safety and while on land for COVID-19 safety unless the safety of the activity requires a shorter distance.
• Children will be kept in smaller squads that do not share equipment with other squads.
• Children and instructors will stay in their designated squads. The squads will never come together at any point.
• Surplus face coverings and cleaning supplies will be kept on site.
• Activities on the beach will be socially distanced and separated by squad.
• Onsite surf instructors trained in CPR and First Aid will be present.
• Surfers will be told to bring their own hand sanitizer along with other essential items like sunscreen.
• No food or water will be supplied this year.
• Water, hand sanitizer, face coverings, and other normally essential products will be kept on site for emergencies.
• All staff will undergo specialized COVID-19 training.
• A COVID-19 Threat Advisor will be on site.
• Emergency action plan will be kept on site to account for staff or a surfer experiencing symptoms on site or being diagnosed off site. If anyone exhibits symptoms on site they will be directed to an isolation location until they can be picked up and then directed to a health care provider. In the event of a positive COVID-19 diagnosis, contact tracing will be performed and all members of the squad and anyone in contact with the diagnosed person will be told to monitor for symptoms and not permitted back for 14 days or until testing negative.